Economic lives project – an invitation to participate
Economics is ultimately about people and their material wellbeing, yet individual economic lives and the differences between them are rarely explored. In my book The Truth About Markets (2003) I took a number of case studies of different households in different parts of the world to show how differences in institutions and economic opportunities affect, not just economic statistics, but individuals. But since 2003, the world has changed in economic terms, of course, but the use of social media has made it possible for people to exchange information about their lives and experiences, and has encouraged them to do so. To stimulate further research I’d like to use the power of social media to put together a diverse range anonymised accounts of peoples’ economic lives. If you or a friend are happy to help I’d be grateful if you could populate the following form. In doing so you can be assured that any names or email addresses supplied will not be published, or used for any other purpose outside this project. [contact-form-7 id=”11045″ title=”Economic lives”]
Economic lives project – an invitation to participate Read More »